Dragonball Movie is Coming Soon..

The story begins with a young humanoid boy named Goku, who discovers that he was sent to Earth to blend in and destroy our population but instead elects to protect it from an oncoming alien onslaught bent on dominating the universe and controlling the mystical objects. He seeks out upon his adoptive grandfather Grandpa Gohan’s dying request to find the great Master Roshi and gather all seven Dragon Balls. Of which he has one, in order to prevent the evil Lord Piccolo from succeeding in his desire to use the Dragon Balls to take over the world. And Goku’s quest is to obtain the mystical Dragonballs before Piccolo does
This is the first time that dragonBall TV cartoon Episode being made into movie its Going to be directed by the famous director James Wong who directed famous movie like Final Destination, The One, Final Destination3.
Its going to be release at 10 April 2009 in usa….all Dragon ball fans will enjoy this movie in big screen.And i am looking forward to it
A full-length for 20th Century Fox’sDragonball” , opening April 10th 2009 is online, according to DBthemovie.com. You can check it out at this link here. Directed and written by James Wong and produced by Stephen Chow

visit imdb.com for detail information


Ben Kingsley on the ‘Prince of Persia’ set

The films hits cinemas on May 10th, 2010

Defamer have managed to get a look at Sir Ben Kingsley on the set of the Jerry Bruckheimer produced Walt Disney Pictures flick PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME. Jake Gyllenhaal is shooting the flick with director Mike Newell at the helm over in Morocco.New Bond girl Gemma Arterton also stars.

visits Thehollywoodnews for more details

How to Choose a Good Domain Name

Choosing a domain name for your site is one of the most important steps towards creating the perfect internet presence. Many factors must be considered when choosing a good domain name.

Domain names can be really long or really short.In general, choose a domain name that is short in length

The shorter your domain name, the easier it will be for people remember.  If your site is long and difficult to pronounce, people will not remember the name of the site and unless they bookmark the link, they may never return.

You should also consider the different top level domain names. here are many top level domain names available today including .com, .net, .org, and .biz. In most cases, the more unusual the top level domain, the more available domain names are available. However, the .com top level domain is far and away the most commonly used domain on the internet, driven by the fact that it was the first domain extension put to use commercially and has received incredible media attention. If you cannot lay your hands on a .com domain name, look for a .net domain name, which is the second most commercially popular domain name extension.

Reasons why PCs crash

mains reasons why PCs crashes is as follows

Hardware conflict

The number one reason why Windows crashes is hardware conflict. Each hardware device communicates to other devices through an interrupt request channel (IRQ). These are supposed to be unique for each device.

Bad Ram

Ram (random-access memory) problems might bring on the blue screen of death with a message saying Fatal Exception Error. A fatal error indicates a serious hardware problem. Sometimes it may mean a part is damaged and will need replacing.But a fatal error caused by Ram might be caused by a mismatch of chips.

BIOS settings

Every motherboard is supplied with a range of chipset settings that are decided in the factory. A common way to access these settings is to press the F2 or delete button during the first few seconds of a boot-up.

Hard disk drives

After a few weeks, the information on a hard disk drive starts to become piecemeal or fragmented. It is a good idea to defragment the hard disk every week or so, to prevent the disk from causing a screen freeze.


First sign of a virus infection is instability. Some viruses erase the boot sector of a hard drive, making it impossible to start. This is why it is a good idea to create a Windows start-up disk.


After CHINNA THALAPATHY (Actor Bharat), PURATCHI THALAPATHy(Actor VishalA) here comes another horse for next thalapathy race VEERA THALAPATHY – Mr.J.K.RITEESH .As for as KOLLYWOOD SECRET AGENT’S report J.K.RITEESH is the dark horse for next thalapathy race.

Im really impressed by his performance in NAYAGAN and his punch dialouges.

After a damp squib in his maiden venture ‘Kanal Neer’, he is appearing as an encounter cop in the film ‘Nayagan’. The actor says, ‘it is a story of an upright police officer, who wants to eliminate evil elements from society. Enough care has been taken in each and every scene to enthrall audiences.’

Adding more, he said, ‘ ‘Nayagan’ also has a strong message to the public and will make me a mass hero.


“What do u guys think about it”?

Tips for PCs for Logoff your Computer automatically

By this we can able to log off your computer automatically after some specific period of inactivity.Because most of the users left logged on their computer may represent a security threat for the users.For this purpose, first install the Winexit.scr tools that includes in Windows 2003 Resource Kit (rktools.exe) and you can free download it from Microsoft site.To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.

After installing the rktools.exe setup, locate the Winexit.scr file in the following location.

C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools

Here right click no Winexit.scr file and select the Install option.A Display Properties dialog box will appear, select Screen Saver tab and choose “Logoff Screen Saver” entry under the Screen saver area.

Now click on Setting button, again a small dialog box will appear with the title “WinExit Setup Dialog”.Here select the “Force application termination” check box under the “Force logoff” area. And type the number of seconds in “Countdown for n seconds” box under Time to logoff area.

Now type the message that appears during the logoff countdown timer in the “Logoff Message” box. and click on Ok button.

Click on “Preview” button to verify the settings.

Here a small dialog box will appear with the title “Auto logoff in progress”, it displays the countdowntimer and logoff message.

Click on Cancel then Ok button to finish the process.

For more information visit www.computerfreetips.com