Kollywood first 3D animation film, which is being directed and produced by Soundarya Rajinikanth, may hit the silver screens in June 2010. The film has an animated version of Super star Rajinikanth in the lead role, which will also be voiced by him.
The film is expected to be released worldwide in June 2010 with 3,500 prints, the highest number yet in Indian cinema, and is expected to be released in eighteen different languages, including English, Tamil, Hindi and Telugu. It was reported that 95% of the movie is over, and it would be released by June 2010.
Here comes the surprise, everyone thought that Sultan – the Warrior will have only an animated version of the Superstar, the latest buzz is that Superstar Rajinikanth will appear in the film for about 20 minutes. Still there is much suspense to thrill the fans but it will be revealed on the big screen.
The games 3D movie Ghost Movies
Dead Sir,
The Games 3D 2D Movie Ghost